Located in Brasilia, the Brazilian Association of the Semiconductor Industry (ABISEMI) was founded in 2014 to contribute to the development, innovation, technological improvement and competitiveness of the national semiconductor industry.

ABISEMI also brings together design houses and institutes of teaching, research, development and innovation in its staff. In order to promote constant exchange of information, knowledge and training, ABISEMI also joins the main semiconductor components manufacturing companies in Brazil.

The association understands that the sector has an extremely strategic role in the economy and in technological development, as well as having enormous potential for growth, considering that not only information technology goods, but all the world-wide technological solutions available on the market, in the most diverse areas and applications, are highly dependent on semiconductor components.



To promote the development, strengthening and competitiveness of the national semiconductor chain, from the design to the manufacture of the chips, through the following actions:


 - Ethical and collaborative relationship with the public power and with the market;

- Training of human resources;

- Constant integration of the business environment with educational institutions;

- Attracting new investments to the country;

- Promotion of research and innovation activities;

- Value added for its members and for brazilian society.



To be the reference association of the semiconductor industry in Brazil and act to facilitate the achievement of the legitimate objectives of its members, both locally and globally.


- Free competition: the basis for the sustainable growth of its members and for the continuity of the sector;

- Integrity and respect for stakeholders: ethical, transparent and fair relationship with the government, its members, its employees, society, collaborating institutes and other stakeholders is essential for the construction and maintenance of the good reputation of the association;

- Collaborative spirit: the creation of an adequate ecosystem for the development of the semiconductor sector in Brazil depends on initiatives led by the association;

- Independence of institutional action: the advocacy of the interests of the sector will always be nonpartisan and promoted in the name of the association;

- Excellence and global vision: the competitiveness of the sector in Brazil depends on the adoption of updated practices, in accordance with the innovations implemented in the most important global semiconductor technology centers.


For additional information about our organization, please send us an email to: abisemi@abisemi




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